
a python and c developer

and sometimes web dev 🙃

about me

i am a python and c developer who likes to tinker in all sorts of programming fields. specifically, i'm interested in how programming languages function, and replicate or create new models of languages. i dabble with website development at times, but it's not exactly my forte and oftentimes avoid it 😅

as a hobby, i enjoy programming (obviously), reading, gaming, and playing sports. recently, i've been interested in running and also enjoy playing basketball with friends and family. my favorite book genre tends to be sci-fi or fantasy fiction - which other people seem to be a bit controversial towards...




this website! features my (future) resume, projects, and contacts.

Tools and Languages used:
GitHub Website

laboratory website

a laboratory website featuring the lab's research, goals, as well as the members of it.

Tools and Languages used:
GitHub Website

python to c transpiler [wip]

a transpiler constructed to translate python source code to c source code.

Tools and Languages used:

and much more!

see more on my github page.



i am proficient in python and have started to program in c/c++. furthermore, i also program backend code in javascript (but also in python too), and as mentioned previously, i sometimes work with website development. although i am most comfortable with python (yes i know, i'm lame..), i am eager and interested in learning other languages if needed.

additionally, i plan on starting online classes or writing tutorials, so stay tuned :)



if you ever need to contact me or notify me, here are my socials. i'm typically online on discord, and often read emails, so i will respond asap.

© 2024-2025 therealkiri